Rehmannia glutinosa (rehmannia) dry steamed root tincture
Prunella vulgaris (heal all) fresh aerial parts in flower glycerite
Petroselinum crispum (parsley) fresh root tincture
Eryngium yuccifolium (button eryngo) fresh root tincture
Asparagus racemosus (shatavari) dry root tincture
Verbascum spp. (mullein) fresh flower glycerite
Cinnamomum verum (cinnamon) dry bark glycerite
Turnera diffusa (damiana) dry leaf tincture
Taraxacum officinale (dandelion) fresh leaf glycerite
Origanum spp. (oregano) fresh aerial parts tincture
Lithospermum ruderale (Western stoneseed) fresh root tincture
Geranium maculatum (cranesbill) fresh whole plant tincture
Convallaria majalis (lily-of-the-valley) fresh whole plant tincture - RESTRICTED
Arbutus menziesii (Pacific madrone) fresh leaf tincture
ORAL-624 - Armed to the Teeth (with Bloodroot)
Viola spp. (violet) fresh aerial parts in flower tincture
Spilanthes acmella (spilanthes) fresh aerial parts in flower tincture
Sambucus spp. (elder) fresh flower glycerite